
1966 年に西村晃次(現会長)が創業、1968 年2 月法人設立。当時ラッシェル機6台から生産開始し、主に付属用レースの海外直販を行っていた。販売先はカナダ、オーストラリア、香港などと国内の貿易会社への販売で、輸出向けが大半であった。1985 年頃より輸出販売が低迷になり国内向けの付属レースを東京、大阪、名古屋の問屋筋に販売にシフト。1995 年頃より国内向けの下着用生地開発と共に販売先を下着用の問屋筋に大幅に変更。2000 年頃より国内向けのアウター用生地開発も始めアウター向けの販売先を問屋筋へ並行して販売。2005 年頃より下着用販売の撤退。その頃、アウター向けにアパレルの直販、商社への販路拡大。2006 年8月 中国/ 上海(蘇州)に事務所開設。	同年、国内、大阪、東京にて弊社単独のアウター向けの展示会を開催。2007 年フランス及び中国の海外展示会にも積極的に出展開始と共に、徐々に海外販路を増やし現在に至る。その後、米国(New York)インドネシア(Jakarta)タイ(Bangkok)ナイジェリア(アフリカ)・DUBAIに継続的に出展中。2009年2月 現社長、西村政起へ代表者継承(西村晃次の長男)同年8月、韓国(ソウル)にNISHIMURA LACE KOREA CO.,LTD 開設。2012年8月 滋賀県守山オフィス、吸収合併を行い開設。アウター向け製品事業部の始動、主にOEM 方式にて受注生産をしている。2015 年8 月シンガポール事務所設立。2016 年8 月8 日社名変更。輸出販売国はアジア地区、アセアン地区、中東地区、欧州、欧米、計35ヵ国得意先は現状200社に至る。取扱商品は、ラッシェルレース、ジャガードレース、落下板レース、ストレッチレース。後加工は、ムラ染め、しわ加工、フロッキー加工、プリント加工(箔加工含み)又、輸入事業も行い国内の得意先へ販売も行っている。全社一丸となって「レースと言えばLILY LACE」と言っていただけるよう取り組んでいる。

  • 1966年に西村晃次(現会長)が創業、1968年2月法人設立。
  • 1985年頃より輸出販売が低迷になり国内向けの付属レースを東京、大阪、名古屋の問屋筋に販売にシフト。
  • 1995年頃より国内向けの下着用生地開発と共に販売先を下着用の問屋筋に大幅に変更。
  • 2000年頃より国内向けのアウター用生地開発も始めアウター向けの販売先を問屋筋へ並行して販売。
  • 2005年頃より下着用販売の撤退。その頃、アウター向けにアパレルの直販、商社への販路拡大。
  • 2006年8月中国/上海(蘇州)に事務所開設。
  • 2007年フランス及び中国の海外展示会にも積極的に出展開始と共に、徐々に海外販路を増やし現在に至る。
  • 2009年2月現社長、西村政起へ代表者継承(西村晃次の長男)同年8月、韓国(ソウル)にNISHIMURA LACE KOREACO.,LTD開設。
  • 2012年8月滋賀県守山オフィス、吸収合併を行い開設。
  • 2015年8月シンガポール事務所設立。
  • 2016年8月8日社名変更。
  • 輸出販売国はアジア地区、アセアン地区、中東地区、欧州、欧米、計35ヵ国得意先は現状200社に至る。
  • 全社一丸となって「レースと言えばLILYLACE」と言っていただけるよう取り組んでいる。

In February 1968, Kouji Nishimura (The chairperson at present) established NISHIMURA LACE CO., LTD., and started to produce 6 rachel lace machines. We had been mainly marketing overseas directly, to Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Japanese trading company as well. At that time, most of marketing was for exporting. However, from 1985, we shifted that we market narrow lace to wholesales such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. From 1995, we developed the fabric for lingerie. At that same time, our marketing is shifted to wholesales of underwear. From 1998, we started to develop the lace for the outer in the domestic market. At one time, we were marketing the lace for the outer to wholesales. However, we withdrew sales from the lingerie market in 2005. Then we started to market directly to the apparel brands, which sales the laces for the outers,	and expanded the market to the business firm. In August 2006, we established an office in Shanghai in China. In the sam  year, we independently held the exhibition for outers in Osaka and Tokyo. In 2007, we actively started to take part in the international exhibitions in France and China. At one time, the business with the customer overseas has been started. Afterwards, we have been continuously taking part in the exhibitions in U.S.A, Indonesia and Thailand Nigeria(Africa)・DUBAI.. In September 2009, Kouji Nishimura succeeded to his representative post to Masaki Nishimura. (Kouji Nishimura’ s oldest son). And in August, we established the Korea office in Soul. In August 2012, we merged and acquired (M&A) Moriyama office in Shiga and established it. We undertook a garment division for outer, which executes build-to-order manufacturing by OEM system. The export marketing abroad is Asia, ASEAN, Middle East, Europe and America. The total countries are 35. The number of customers reaches 2 hundreds. Our collections are Rachel Lace, Jacquard Lace, Hole Braid Lace and Stretch Lace. As for final process, our strengths are good at Speckled Dye, Wrinkle Processing, Flocky Processing, Print and Foil Print. Our company policy is “Speaking of Lace”

  • In February 1968, Kouji Nishimura (The chairperson at present) established NISHIMURA LACE CO., LTD., and started to produce 6 rachel lace machines. We had been mainly marketing overseas directly, to Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Japanese trading company as well.
  • At that time, most of marketing was for exporting. However, from 1985, we shifted that we market narrow lace to wholesales such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.
  • From 1995, we developed the fabric for lingerie. At that same time, our marketing is shifted to wholesales of underwear.
  • From 1998, we started to develop the lace for the outer in the domestic market. At one time, we were marketing the lace for the outer to wholesales. However, we withdrew sales from the lingerie market in 2005. Then we started to market directly to the apparel brands, which sales the laces for the outers,and expanded the market to the business firm.
  • In August 2006, we established an office in Shanghai in China.
    In the sam year, we independently held the exhibition for outers in Osaka and Tokyo.
  • In 2007, we actively started to take part in the international exhibitions in France and China. At one time, the business with the customer overseas has been started. Afterwards, we have been continuously taking part in the exhibitions in U.S.A, Indonesia and Thailand.
  • In September 2009, Kouji Nishimura succeeded to his representative post to Masaki Nishimura. (Kouji Nishimura’ s oldest son). And in August, we established the Korea office in Soul.
  • In August 2012, we merged and acquired (M&A) Moriyama office in Shiga and established it. We undertook a garment division for outer, which executes build-to-order manufacturing by OEM system.
  • The export marketing abroad is Asia, ASEAN, Middle East, Europe and America. The total countries are 35. The number of customers reaches 2 hundreds.
    Our collections are Rachel Lace, Jacquard Lace, Hole Braid Lace and Stretch Lace. As for final process, our strengths are good at Speckled Dye, Wrinkle Processing, Flocky Processing, Print and Foil Print.
    Our company policy is “Speaking of Lace”